On becoming a member of our bank, you're not just a customer, you're an owner!
The Fraud Bureau Service (FBS) is a unique service combining the use of a risk-based management tool, human intervention and 24/7 transaction monitoring with prompt cardholder contact. The service is supported with full call centre capability and operated by qualified, experienced and specialist staff. The FBS operates 24 hours a day 7 days a week, 365 days a year including public holidays monitoring our member’s cards and transactions.
Where a transaction is deemed suspicious after a series of checks, FBS will place a temporary block on the card until the transaction is confirmed.
If a potential fraudulent transaction takes place during business hours, the FBS will contact the member directly.
The FBS telephone number is 1300 705 750 or +61 2 8299 9534 (overseas).
This is the number for use by cardholders to return calls left by the FBS. All messages left by the FBS will contain the 1300 number for returning calls as well as a unique reference number allocated to the specific incident.
Cardholders who experience potential fraud incidents between 10pm and 7am will receive an SMS from FBS.
Note: You will never be asked to provide your password, PIN or Card Number.
If the cardholder confirms that the transaction(s) is legitimate, the temporary block will be removed.
Where fraud has been identified and confirmed by the cardholder, the FBS will cancel the compromised card completely and advise us to reissue a new card within one business day of confirmed fraud being identified by the FBS.
If the transaction is debited, the cardholder needs to complete a transaction dispute form and return the form to Australian Mutual Bank for chargeback.
To learn more about FBS, call 13 61 91. For more information about protecting your personal information and accounts please visit our Security Advice page.